Skull Drawings-How to Draw a Flaming Skull
Flaming skulls are a great design choice for tattoo design and they look good as a tattoo, but how do you draw them from scratch? Well, here we will go through the steps to draw a skull and surround it in flame to make a design emblem that could fit on a tattoo or as a separate design for any projects.
Skull Drawings-How to Draw a Flaming Skull
Skull Drawings-How to Draw a Flaming Skull
Skull Drawings-How to Draw a Flaming Skull
Skull Drawings-How to Draw a Flaming Skull
A good idea is to draw many rough sketches on a couple of pieces of paper so that you can choose one to concentrate on, this makes sense and helps you for future skull designs that you would want to work on, so do lots of rough sketches as you never know when you might need them.
First to start has to be made for your skull drawing and it always starts with a simple shape, an oval shape for the head works fine, but you have to determine whether your skull will faceforward, to the left or to the right, a basic oval will set your head design up to mold that shape into a skull, so getting this initial step right is the most important part of your flaming skull drawing.
The eyes, mouth and jaw line can be sketched in next to mark out the skulls most important features, as well as the cheekbones too, it's all about sketching in steps to bring your drawings through the draft phase, of course you need to have an idea or end goal in mind for your skull, so that you can begin to draw what you imaginedyou then start to draw in rough teeth where you left space for the mouth, then you could straighten up the chin with a more defined pencil line.
The next artistic process would be to bring everything together and add more skull likedetails such as a skull nose and either empty skull socket eyes or with eyeballs in them, add a tongue if you wish and go back to them to make them the cheekbones more noticeable features of your skull, now the last thing to do is add a swirly flame design around the skull by drawing flame as you imagine it, so long as it looks like fire you should be okay.
Drawing a flaming skull tattoo drawing is one idea that never gets old.
Skull Drawings-How to Draw a Flaming Skull
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